It looks like we aren't very consistent with our blogging. We really did try, someone needs to tell Ireland that WiFi isn't a luxury it is a necessity. I spent way to much time looking for a signal and just began to give up.
Some of you may be thinking that we died in the castle on the 13Th, don't worry we didn't. In fact, there was nothing spooky about it besides the fact that there was an annoying American group of 30 college kids on a tour. They were whining about the new Facebook format.
We had a great time at Markree and we were upgraded to an amazing corner room in the hotel with a view. On Friday we met up with one of my friends that still works there and she showered us with wine and chocolates in our room, fueled Josh with some crazy Irish shots, homemade soup, and a medley of desserts with "Happy Birthday" painted on with chocolate and fiery sparklers spraying flames from them.
The next day I walked up to the horse stables with my friend Emily to find my other friend Vicki and help her wheel some horse poop out of the stables. The previous weekend I had told Josh about a mountain in Ireland that I climbed about 6 years ago. It is called Knocknarea and at the top of the mountain is Queen Meave's grave. She was a Warrior Queen in Celtic Mythology, nobody knows if she was real or not. We decided that since it was nice we should get some exercise and hike to the top.
It is a fairly easy hike about the same as Mt. Peak but there are sheep everywhere grazing and an amazing view of the ocean and Sligo from the top. For some reason Josh was acting a little strange and was about 10 steps ahead of me the whole hike and then kept coming back down to me and then ahead again. It was so windy at the top we could hardly hear one another speaking and my lip was blowing open, but we had a moment of sun and a great view. On the way down the mountain blocks the wind, making it completely calm so we decided to take a few pictures with our broken cameras. As I was going to retrieve the camera Josh told me he had to ask me a question and he was shaking....
We are going to to get married next summer 2010, and we hope all of you can come. We will have more details soon. Our trip to Ireland and Spain was fantastic, thank you for following our blog. I hope it wasn't too boring. I promise we did more than we posted! Ireland will always be a significant place in my mind. I think I have learned more there than anywhere I have ever been. About myself, about other people, and the world.
To be continued with more travel...