Tuesday, May 25, 2010


You may have noticed that you didn't receive a save-the-date magnet in the mail for Josh and my nuptials.  Don't worry the postman didn't steal it and we probably still like you.  After much reevaluating we have decided to forgo having a "wedding" this summer like we had intended.  Obviously we have had a lot of new things going on this year and it was becoming more of a stress than something to be excited about.  We both agree that having a marriage certificate isn't what is most important to us, at all actually.  We think that being together and trying to learn from one another for the last six years has shown you all that we are committed.

We are very excited about our little trio and we are still planning to celebrate, most likely next summer.  We will l keep you posted!  And, pending Obamacare, we may or may not make it official.  Ha.